Jared Moskowitz rejects ‘ridiculous’ idea that Biden could be replaced as nominee

Rep. Jared Moskowitz quickly shot down any suggestion that Democrats should rethink having President Biden at the top of the ticket amid a mélange of polling showing him trailing Donald Trump.

When data analyst Nate Silver’s recent suggestion that Democrats may want to reevaluate their presumptive nominee, Moskowitz (D-Fla.), 43, was emphatic about backing Biden, 81.

“No, it’s not a conversation worth having,” Moskowitz told “Fox News Sunday” about Silver’s suggestion. “Nate, thanks for your participation. But this is ridiculous. We’re well past that conversation.”

Silver caused a stir in February when he contended that there might be Democrats who are better equipped to take on Trump. Last Wednesday, Silver suggested Biden should consider stepping aside.

Jared Moskowitz defended President Biden’s track record and drew a sharp contrast with Donald Trump. CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

“If Biden is still struggling in August he needs to consider stepping aside. It’s not a great situation for Ds either way, but you have to do due diligence on the question,” he wrote on X.

If Biden is still struggling in August he needs to consider stepping aside.

It’s not a great situation for Ds either way, but you have to do due diligence on the question. It’s an important election, obviously. It shouldn’t be taboo to talk about. https://t.co/JaJvtLFuQt

— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) May 23, 2024

Nate Silver, the acclaimed data analyst, said he believed President Biden may be in trouble in the 2024 election. X / @pushkinpods

“To be clear, replacing Biden at the last minute is a RISKY IDEA THAT WOULD PROBABLY FAIL. The question is whether by August, the Hail Mary could become the least-worst option for Ds. Probably not,” he later added.

Moskowitz, who has clashed with elements of the progressive base on the Israel-Hamas war, has been a staunch defender of Biden, especially on the House Oversight Committee, which Republicans have deployed against the president’s son, Hunter.

“President Biden is going to be the nominee. We’re going to have our convention and he’s going to win in November,” Moskowitz affirmed.

“This is going to be between two people,” he said. “The way I look at the election is do you want Trump back or do you not? That is the crux of the issue.”

President Biden has conveyed confidence that he will win in November. AP

The Sunshine State Democrat rattled off issues such as a “woman’s right to choose” and “a woman having the rights to contraception,” which he argued would entice voters to back Biden.

He did concede that Democrats have stumbled on immigration but argued that Republicans have stymied progress on that front as well.

“On immigration. Quite frankly, I think both parties are to blame,” he said. “Democrats were late to come to the table. When we came to the table and got a bipartisan agreement with a conservative bill coming out of the Senate then Republicans walked away because Trump wants to use it in the election.”

Last Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took up a vote on a standalone border bill that had been included in a failed deal announced in February intended to unlock GOP support for aid to Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific.

Ultimately, that standalone bill went up in flames in the Senate.

The Florida rep. has been an outspoken defender of President Biden on the GOP-led House Oversight Committee. AP

Schumer pushed for that vote in the context of a litany of polling showing Biden underwater on the border in public opinion.

Trump is polling ahead of Biden by 1.1 percentage points nationally in the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate of polls. He is also leading in the majority of battleground states.

Amid that bleak polling, Moskowitz predicted Biden would emerge victorious come Nov. 5, but stressed it would be close.

“The election is very close. We’re kind of at halftime now,” he said. “It’s down to a couple of states.”

Source link: https://nypost.com/2024/05/26/us-news/jared-moskowitz-rejects-ridiculous-idea-that-biden-could-be-replaced-as-nominee/

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