9 recipes for Memorial Day sides, including slaws and potato salads

When we think about holidays when side dishes can outshine the main courses, Thanksgiving often jumps to the top of the list. But you can make a compelling case for summer cookout season as well, stretching from Memorial Day through the Fourth of July and concluding with Labor Day.

After all, who hasn’t piled their plates with all manner of coleslaws, potato salads, chips, pasta salads and more, only to find that there’s hardly any real estate left for whatever meat may be coming off the grill? I’ve certainly been there. The other benefit of having a generous spread of appealing, filling and varied sides is that it makes it easy for anyone to build a meal even if they’re not waiting for the burgers, hot dogs, barbecue chicken and other grilled proteins.

Source link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2024/05/25/memorial-day-recipes-potato-salad-slaw/

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