Did terrorists do a dry run at a Marine Base Quantico? Biden needs to fill the US in

Did terrorists just scout out a US Marine base?

Amazingly, Americans have no idea one way or the other — despite a troubling incident this month suggesting that’s exactly what happened.

In fact, it took nearly two weeks for top brass at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia just to alert its own rank-and-file about an attempt by two Jordanians to drive their box truck onto the base before being blocked by guards.

That’s outrageous enough, yet the story still remains far from clear.

Indeed, a mountain of questions need answers.

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Fox News reports that one of the men had crossed the border illegally, yet was allowed to stay.

The other reportedly overstayed his visa.

It’s yet more proof of the national-security dangers of President Biden’s wave-them-in border policies.

Indeed, sources told a local news outlet that one was on the terror watchlist.

Was he? If so, how’d he get into the country?

When the military officers at the base doubted the men’s claim that they worked for an Amazon subcontractor and were making a delivery, the pair ignored instructions and tried to drive onto the base anyway.

Surely, officials must have sense of whether this was an attack that mercifully failed — or, perhaps, a trial run for one.

At the least, Americans should know whether an investigation is under way and what is suspected.

Instead, Team Biden has gone radio silent.

Its attitude seems to be, “Nothing to see here, folks.”

No wonder Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is livid, blasing the government’s “failure to disclose the immigration status of those involved” and demanding a briefing.

“The Biden administration’s failure to secure the border has brought this crisis to the front gates of our military installations,” he fumed.

Sure, this could all turn out to have a totally harmless explanation.

But that seems highly doubtful, and the official silence only fuels suspicions further.

Someone needs to speak up fast.

Americans deserve that much.

Source link: https://nypost.com/2024/05/23/opinion/did-terrorists-do-a-dry-run-at-a-marine-base-quantico-biden-needs-to-fill-the-us-in/

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