Mengal to approach SC against paper rejection


Balochistan National Party (BNP) President Sardar Akhtar Mengal on Monday announced he will approach the election tribunal and the Supreme Court against the recent rejection of their nomination papers for the upcoming general elections in the country.

He asserted that the party would go to the “court of the masses” if the nomination papers were not accepted by the election tribunal and the top court.

Addressing a crowded news conference at the Quetta Press Club, Akhtar Mengal expressed concern that his nomination papers and those of many BNP candidates were rejected by returning officers. “Under a pre-planned conspiracy, BNP is being ousted from elections,” he claimed.

Central leaders of the party including Sajid Tareen Advocate, Prince Musa Jan, Agha Hassan Baloch, and others were also present on the occasion.

Read Scrutiny of nomination papers completed

Sardar Akhtar Mengal said he had an Aqama (work permit) in Dubai in the past and contested general elections in 2013 and 2018. “The problem is my speeches in assembly rather than any Aqama”, he said. He further alleged that an “artificial leadership” was being imposed on Balochistan.

“This is the beginning of the elections, future seems to be bleak,” he expressed concern. No need to boycott then if they rejected our nomination papers through ROs, he added.

He said the BNP was struggling to achieve the rights of the Baloch people through political means and the party has played a front role in the supremacy of the constitution and parliament in the country.

In response to a question about his letter to the former prime minister Nawaz Sharif after the formation of the caretaker government, Sardar Akhtar Mengal said, “The letter went to London Avenfield and Mian Sab was not there”. Later, we came to know that the former premier has returned to Pakistan, he said.

The BNP chief stated that the mainstream political parties were least bothered about the issues of Balochistan and the province was not on their agenda because of fewer national assembly seats.

Sardar Akhtar Mengal also defended his party’s decision to support a no-confidence motion against the former chief minister Nawab Sanaullah Zehri in the past. “We were pushed towards the wall by that government and we had no option other than supporting a change,” he mentioned.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 2nd, 2024.

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