Political opponents have shown their “true colours”: Bilawal

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that those who claimed to be representatives of the sanctity of vote have instead become the country’s “mehengai [inflation] league”.

“Those who claimed to be representing the ‘sanctity of vote’ have shown their true colours and have become Pakistan’s ‘mehengai [inflation] league’ instead,” Bilawal said during his address at a workers’ convention in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Bilawal Bhutto backed his performance as foreign minister of Pakistan in the 16-month government of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) and said he was ready to contest upcoming general elections on his performance.

The PPP leader again stressed the need to embark on “new politics”, saying that his party wanted to end the politics of hatred and division. “It wishes to establish new traditions that allow the country to progress and prosper,” he added.

Apparently referring to Nawaz Sharif and PTI chairman Imran Khan, Bilawal asked why make someone the prime minister for the fourth or second time when one can be picked from the youth.

“Our fight is not with any other political party, but poverty, price hikes and unemployment,” the PPP chairman reiterated, adding that he would work for the betterment of the people and Pakistan’s modernisation to transform it into a powerful country if he comes to power.

Source link: https://www.suchtv.pk/pakistan/kp-fata/item/122754-political-opponents-have-shown-their-true-colours-bilawal.html

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