Letters to the Editor — July 17, 2023

The Issue: The Secret Service closing the investigation into cocaine that was found at the White House.

So the Secret Service was not able to find the person who brought cocaine into the White House (“WH cocaine ‘cover-up,’ ” July 14).

These people are so incompetent, they couldn’t find their butt with both hands.

You want to bet that if former President Donald Trump was in office, they would’ve found the culprit?

Robert Albertelli


It’s my understanding that the cocaine found in the White House was in locker 50, and the locker key can’t be found.

My question is this: If the White House is considered one of the most secure buildings in our country, then why doesn’t the Secret Service have a log on who is accessing these lockers in the West Wing?

Why is it unknown to the Secret Service who is using these lockers?

Tom Garvie

Harrisburg, Va.

So the Suffolk County Police can investigate with their highest levels of dogged detective work to apparently nab a serial killer who’s reportedly been on the loose for over a decade years, but our FBI and Secret Service can’t spend more than a couple of weeks investigating before declaring this “White House Cocaine Mystery” unsolvable.

Let that very troubling fact sink in.

Jim Soviero

E. Setauket

Wow. The Secret Service has closed the investigation into the cocaine found in a secure area of the White House, saying that there is no identifiable suspect found.

I’m so surprised. I was sure that the most trained and trustworthy security, in the most secure place in the United States, would have absolutely no problem finding the culprit.

My mistake, I momentarily forgot that it’s the Bidens we’re dealing with.

Jean Cole

Juno Beach, Fla.

I was disappointed that the Secret Service search for the cocaine culprit came up empty.

But here’s an idea: How about enlisting the Moscow, Idaho, police and the Idaho State Police in this game of “White House Clue”?

By going through the trash of Bryan Kohberger’s dad in the Poconos, 2,500 miles away from the gruesome scene of the murdered college students in Moscow, the cops found their man.

Funny, isn’t it, to live at a time when federal law enforcement is selectively incompetent?

David Bryant

Easton, Conn.

Members of the House Oversight Committee told reporters the Secret Service informed them that the cocaine was found in locker 50, where visitors are told to store their electronics and cellphones.

Are we to believe no one keeps track of who is given which locker key and that keys are not required to be returned before key recipients can exit the area?

Perhaps the Secret Service actually believes you really can fool all of the people some of the time.

Julia Lutch

Davis, Calif.

Does anyone really believe the Secret Service when it tells us that it can’t find the culprit who delivered the cocaine to the White House? There are cameras all over that building.

If this substance had been anthrax (as was at first feared), it would have told us who did it by that afternoon.

The problem is that the Secret Service likely knows who’s responsible and simply can’t say it.

Rick Cabrera


It is highly unlikely that any mere visitor or government employee would bring cocaine into the white house.

Everyone with half a brain knows there are cameras and security throughout.

Carl Rosenberg

Great Neck

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.

Source link: https://nypost.com/2023/07/17/closing-the-wh-cocaine-case-letters-to-the-editor-july-17-2023/

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