Nicole Noel Henares, San Francisco teacher, suspended for singling out White male students

A high school English teacher in San Francisco was suspended for mistreating White male students in her classroom, according to public records released last week.

California Public Records Act documents obtained Thursday by Fox News Digital found that Lowell High School teacher Nicole Noel Henares received a 15-day, unpaid suspension in December for having White male students in her class stand as a group and ask them whether they “felt like a minority.”

Students told school investigators, according to the documents, that the incident had no relation to what was being taught in class that day and that they felt “confused, sad” and that there was no correct answer to her question.

Ms. Henares told investigators that she singled out her White male students out of frustration and anger because she felt they were dominating the conversation in class that day.

None of the students interviewed by school authorities backed up Ms. Henares’ version of events.

The students also accused Ms. Henares of playing Lil Nas X’s music video to the song “Montero/Call Me By Your Name,” in which he gives a lap dance to Satan and frequently uses the n-word, the f-word and other obscenities.

Ms. Henares denied this as well, but school records found that she had uploaded the video to her Google Classroom page on two separate dates in August.

The incident took place during the first four weeks of the 2022-23 school year.

Ms. Henares was placed on paid administrative leave on Sept. 15 while an investigation was launched. Her unpaid suspension lasted from Dec. 12 until Jan. 18.

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