Punjab asks PTI to hand over ‘terrorists in Zaman Park’ in 24hrs


Punjab Caretaker Information Minister Amir Mir on Wednesday said that 30 to 40 protestors who attacked army installations on May 9, after the arrest of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan, were present inside Zaman Park – the former premier’s residence – and asked the party leadership to hand them over to the law within 24hours.

During a press conference, the minister stated that Imran had been insulting the army and its leadership for a year and the PTI was posing as a “non-state element”. He maintained that it seemed that there was no law in the country for Imran.

According to Mir, workers of the former ruling party damaged government properties and thus, strict action will be taken against those involved in the attacks.

He added that during the attack on Jinnah House, “miscreants” were in touch with Zaman Park.

Read ‘PTI protest caused Rs145m damage to public property’

He further stated that it was decided that these “terrorists” will be tried in a military court. 

It is pertinent to note here that on Monday, Army Chief Gen Asim Munir chaired a corps commanders conference, which decided that perpetrators, planners and executors of such attacks would be tried under Pakistani laws, including the Army Act and the Official Secret Act.

Meanwhile, Imran Khan alleged that people who had guns and committed arson during the May 9 protests against his arrest were “planted amongst the demonstrators”.

The former premier on Tuesday stated that he “consistently” told PTI workers “that whatever the provocation they must only do peaceful protests”.

He reiterated that whenever an “independent inquiry” occurs, he would “prove” that those “who had guns and those who committed arson were planted amongst the demonstrators just as they were going to do in the plan I uncovered here in this video message”, Imran said, with a pre-recorded video from March 22, after the “assassination attempt” against him at the Islamabad Judicial Complex on March 18, attached in the tweet.

“Now they have hatched another plan, and I am letting everyone know. I am telling the judiciary and I am especially telling the Punjab police. IG [Inspector General] Punjab and IG Islamabad, backed by the handlers, have devised another plan,” he said in the video.

Source link: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2417245/punjab-asks-pti-to-hand-over-terrorists-in-zaman-park-in-24hrs

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