Imran Khan to lead PTI’s election rally tomorrow

Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and former prime minister Imran Khan on Saturday announced that he would lead a public rally tomorrow in Lahore, in connection with election campaign, launched for upcoming general elections in Punjab.

Addressing the party workers and supporters via video link, the former premier strongly criticised the caretaker Punjab government and police for ‘killing’ the PTI worker – Ali Bilal aka Zille Shah – and terming the death ‘road accident’.

Inviting the PTI party workers and supporters to prepare for tomorrow, Khan said he would personally lead the rally tomorrow so that the coalition parties know the actual number of people standing by his side.

Earlier in the day, Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi – while addressing a press conference – rubbished the PTI claims that Ali Bilal was killed in police custody, saying that PTI worker Ali Bilal aka Zille Shah died in a road accident in Lahore.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf worker Ali Bilal lost his life when police and the PTI supporters clashed violently on Wednesday ahead of Lahore rally. The PTI leadership claims Bilal was in police custody when he was killed.

Addressing a press conference flanked by Punjab IGP Usman Anwar, interim Punjab CM said that Ali Bilal was hit by a vehicle which led to his death. He said that four people — who brought Ali to the hospital in a 4×4 vehicle — have been arrested and will be presented before a court.

The chief minister commended Punjab police for their efforts in tracing the suspects. He denied the involvement of his administration in the incident.

“I will not surrender. I will prefer going home but will not give in,” the CM told journalists and advised PTI to refrain from levelling baseless allegations on Punjab govt.

The Election Commission of Pakistan has announced the election schedule for the general election in Punjab. “Polling for the election of Punjab provincial assembly will be held on April 30,” the election commission announced.


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