2024-04-29 19:26:36
How Egyptian police hunt LGBT people on dating apps - Democratic Voice USA
How Egyptian police hunt LGBT people on dating apps

We saw at least four videos in which Bakar and Yehia either appeared, or could be heard, extorting and abusing LGBT people before they uploaded the videos to Whatsapp, Youtube and Facebook. In one of these videos, an 18-year-old gay man we are calling Saeed is forced to, falsely, say he is a sex worker. I met him to hear about what happened next. He told me that he considered legal action but says his lawyer advised against this, telling him his sexuality would be perceived as more of a crime than the attack he suffered.

Source link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-64390817?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA

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