Salty salutations from Cindy Adams ‘fans’

A column of letter-writers:

Unsigned: “You say nice things about your mom but thank God for legal voting in a Democrat society! Best man won. Go Biden!”. . . Joan: “Picking on Prince Harry is disrespectful. Get over yourself. However, I still read your rancid articles anyway.” Lady named Mule: “Appreciate your humor. You hand me a laugh or three every column. I get The Post to read you and Goodwin.” Joanne: “Entitled to your opinion, but Jill Biden doesn’t need a stylist. In your own damn newspaper women in their 70s look great!”

Mr. Vassallo: “You’re an old bitch who uses her bat mitzvah photo in her column.” Wedelich writes: “Thank you for making me laugh, making me cry and I marvel how you’re able to keep me captive so many years.” Spiegel from Sunnyside: “Love your column. You know things nobody else does. Always look forward to it. When you’re off a few days the paper’s not the same.” Francine from Westbury: “I crack up with your J.Lo comments. Who cares about that pompous jerk. God Bless You!”

Mr. Taylor from Brooklyn: “You’re not following science when you characterize Ivermectin as a horse medicine. I’m done with your newspaper.”…Queens Villager: “Loved the 4-parter ‘Gossip’ on you.”… Teddy: “Love everything you write. And love when you write about Ken and Barbie.” An investigator wrote about Rosie O’Donnell. An unhappy wife wrote about Kathie Lee. From East 60th: “How can you say Biden hasn’t faced his own tragedies. You are over for me.”… Marion: “You wrote a wonderful column recently. Truth be told I don’t read you often.”

One reader thanked a legal voting age in the US.AP

They’re mailing it in

Suffern, NY: “I’ve read you for decades. Keep writing. You’re the only one who tells the truth. I’m surprised they let you.”…Marie from Boca: “Thanks for all you do. I’m concerned for the USA. God bless you.” On red, white and blue stationery: “I love your patriotism. I love your love for New York.”… From a law firm: “What the hell do you know? Most people do not like petulant child Donald.” From Clearwater, a talking card tells me in Trump’s voice: “Make Valentine’s Day Great Again!”

Cursive curses

Mr. Kerrigan from Brooklyn: “You continue to produce the most entertaining column in New York.” Suzanne from Georgia: “You’re in my mind lately. I admire your ability to carry on.” Weiss from Delray Beach: “I subscribe for my daily Post delivery just to read you.” Park Avenue’s Shauneen: “You are an inspiration,” and encloses her goat curry recipe. Unsigned Manhattanite: “You’re really loosing [that’s their spelling] it. Can’t believe they still let you work at The Post. Guess it’s because all the others are dead.”

Anthony Scaramucci“If Ken Cuccinelli, Susan Lucci, Anthony Scaramucci do an Italian restaurant it’d be called Cooch, Looch and Mooch,” one reader writes.Bloomberg via Getty Images

Going postal

Richard from Rye Brook: “If Ken Cuccinelli, Susan Lucci, Anthony Scaramucci do an Italian restaurant it’d be called Cooch, Looch and Mooch.”… West 58th’s Suarez: “Few dailies now worth the time or money. Fortunately you’re still there. Keep it up.”… An anti-Trumper genteelly called me “w—e bitch” twice and “dumb bitch” once. New Jersey’s Patricia invited me to her home. An unsigned handwritten card: “No wonder a woman has not won the presidency — it’s because of writers like you!”

Speaking of critics, this bad dude accosted a passerby on a dark street and asked: “Got a black belt in karate?” Passerby: “No.” Thief: “In that case this is a stick-up.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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