IIOJK youth jubilant over Pakistan’s thrilling win against India

The celebrations of Pakistan’s dramatic win over India in the Asia Cup Super-4 round swept to Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) too as cricket fans rejoiced over the sensational victory on Sunday night.

Soon after Pakistan’s win, Kashmiris took to the streets in Srinagar and other parts of the territory and raised the slogans of “Pakistan Zindabad” (Long Live Pakistan).

The youth waved the flags of Pakistan as the valley witnessed fireworks and firecrackers as an expression of celebration and triumph.

Kashmir Media Service (KMS) reported that the Indian army, police and agencies were patrolling the streets to keep the Kashmiri youth confined in their houses. However, it added, the youth in groups came out of their houses, shouted pro-Pakistan and pro-freedom slogans and fired crackers in joy.

The report said that as the Pakistani batsman played the winning stroke on the second last ball, slogans like “Allah-o-Akbar” and “Pakistan Zindabad” were heard from inside the houses and on streets at many places in the occupied territory.

In some videos, circulating on social media, youth were seen dancing, and firing crackers while carrying Pakistani flags. There are numerous other videos wherein the sky is seen lit with huge firework.

All this happened against the instructions of the Modi regime, who had advised the administration in IIOJK to ensure that Kashmiris stay away from watching Sunday’s Pakistan-India match in groups.

Kashmiris in IIOJK have long been expressing their passion for Pakistan despite extreme pressure by India’s illegally deployed military forces in the area.

Read more: India probes Kashmiri students for cheering Pakistan cricket win

Last year in October, around 300 students in two top Srinagar medical colleges burst into celebrations when Pakistan crushed India in the high-octane contest in Dubai during the World T20.

Videos of the students shouting “Long live Pakistan” went viral. Footage also showed thousands of people in the city and several other towns cheering on the streets and setting off firecrackers in support of Pakistan.

However, police in the occupied valley later launched an investigation over the celebration by the Kashmiri youth.

Anti-India sentiment is widespread and deep in the Muslim-majority occupied territory where an armed rebellion has raged for decades by Kashmiris wanting to be part of Pakistan.

India has used the vaguely-worded UAPA legislation against thousands of Kashmiri residents, journalists and dissidents, according to activists. It allows people to be held for six months – often rolled over – without being charged and bail is virtually impossible.

Anger against New Delhi has simmered since August 2019 when Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government cancelled the disputed region’s semi-autonomy and brought it under direct rule.

(With additional input from APP)

Source link: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2374934/iiojk-cricket-fans-jubilant-over-pakistans-thrilling-win-against-india

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