Norah O’Donnell simply made our level about media’s use of unnamed resources

No quicker did we warn that the media used to be again to depending on doubtful nameless resources to pump up anti-Trump narratives than “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell proved our level.

“According to a DOJ respectable,” she tweeted Monday, “the FBI is NOT in ownership of former President Trump’s passports. Trump had accused the FBI of stealing his 3 passports all through the search of his Mar-a-Lago house.” No identify for the supply, after all.

Oops: Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich quickly shared an electronic mail from the Justice Department admitting it did confiscate 3 of the ex-prez’s passports, “one being his lively diplomatic passport.”

CBS lamely attempted to hide, claiming the FBI now not had Trump’s passports on the time O’Donnell tweeted. Sorry, no: She it seems that used to be portray the ex-prez as a liar.

This follows breathless Washington Post and New York Times items in a similar fashion selling the anti-Trump claims of nameless executive resources — regardless of all of the corrections and retractions the papers have needed to previous tales that depended on nameless liars.

At least this time the lie were given uncovered instantly. How steadily will have to the media fail ahead of they hand over this sorry recreation — which goals at dirtying Trump however finally ends up boosting him?

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