Nitish Kumar, A A lot-Wanted Template For The Opposition

In 2011, when India Against Corruption dealt the UPA a blow from which it by no means recovered, India was once stuffed with Chief Ministers with very public designs on 7, Race Course Road. This was once a brand new phenomenon in our politics. While a handful of former Chief Ministers had turn out to be PM (Morarji Desai, VP Singh, Narasimha Rao, Deve Gowda), the established trail to move of presidency went thru Parliament and the Centre. Deve Gowda and Chandra Shekhar, who served lower than a yr each and every as PM, have been the one males (as opposed to Nehru, after all) whose first seat within the Cabinet was once at its head.

The aspirants of 2011 had a cautionary precedent to name upon: Ramakrishna Hegde. In the past due Nineteen Eighties, Hegde, egged on by way of Delhi newshounds, tried to make use of his early acclaim as Chief Minister of Karnataka as a platform for nationwide workplace. The failure of this marketing campaign supposed a untimely, if drawn-out, finish to his occupation. Not simplest did Hegde no longer turn out to be Prime Minister, however he additionally needed to watch in horror and bemusement as Deve Gowda made it as a substitute. Regional leaders may have drawn from this the next lesson: you are much more likely to turn out to be PM by way of staying out of the limelight than by way of visual aspiration.

Yet the type of guy or girl who has what it takes to upward push to the highest of an Indian state was once by no means most likely to attract that kind of lesson. Instead, they checked out India’s post-1989 politics and noticed that barring Atal Bihari Vajpayee, each and every Prime Minister was once in some sense “unintended”, and idea: why no longer me?


Atal Bihari Vajpayee (File photograph)

Two Chief Ministers stood out for his or her plausibility, for the truth that their names have been as or much more likely to be proffered by way of others than by way of the aspirant himself. One was once Narendra Modi. He had lengthy been the candidate of the Hindutva devoted, he was once now additionally the candidate of Business. A decade in the past, virtually any dialog about India with a businessman would to find its method to Modi being the one one that may just succeed in India’s expansion attainable. Any point out of 2002 can be met with the exasperated tone that Business reserves for what it sees as woolly-headed liberalism. “How lengthy are you other folks going to stay protecting that over his head?”

The different was once Nitish Kumar.

The similarities have been evident. Both observed as in my opinion blank and “governance”-oriented (by no means thoughts how otherwise they could have understood that time period). Neither weighted down by way of kin in politics. Both re-elected (Modi in 2007 and 2012, Nitish in 2010) by way of overwhelming margins. Both, because it occurs, born inside a couple of months of one another in 1950-51. Both governing in partnership with a unmarried relied on deputy. Both development a picture of themselves as synonymous with their states. Both self-made, and from non-dominant Other Backward Castes (OBC) backgrounds. Both seeing the opportunity of girls as a definite balloting bloc.

They represented the Twenty first-century paradigm of the omnipotent Chief Minister. What therefore took place in Delhi was once already underway within the states a decade in the past – the centralisation of energy and authority in one charismatic particular person, and the lowering of cupboards and legislatures to a collection of nameless rubber stamps.


PM Modi and Nitish Kumar (File photograph)

If Modi was once the candidate of Business, Nitish’s major non-Bihar constituency was once the click. Where Modi appeared the Anglophone media with what may just mildly be referred to as suspicion, Nitish was once glad to interact with newshounds, a few of whom become full-time Nitish cheerleaders. And, to be truthful, it was once simple to be seduced by way of the tale he advised of a Bihar in the end at the up, and by way of a person who, whilst a part of the NDA, it seems that didn’t have a communal bone in his frame. The achievements of his first time period have been actual sufficient.

A decade in the past, Modi and Nitish gave the look of competitors, and equals. Every yr since has made a mockery of the comparability. In 2013, Nitish broke his solid and productive alliance with the BJP at the grounds that he may just no longer countenance Modi’s management. In 2014, contesting by itself, his JD(U) gained lower than 16% of the vote in Bihar. The following yr ,he needed to shape a humiliating alliance with Lalu Prasad Yadav, a “Maha-Gathbandhan” that repudiated the whole lot he had spent the former decade claiming to face for.

Two years later, he was once again with the BJP – such a lot for Modi’s unacceptability – and by way of 2020, the JD(U) was once all the way down to 43 seats from the 115 of 2010. Nitish was once Chief Minister once more, however the message from the BJP was once transparent: we will be able to tolerate you for 5 extra years, and you then and your celebration might be historical past.

Forget theory – those don’t seem to be the strikes of a Chanakya. In 2013, Nitish fatally overrated his energy; his 3 next U-turns have all been marked extra by way of desperation than shrewdness.


Nitish Kumar and Tejashwi Yadav (File photograph)

In 2011, just about 6 out of 10 Biharis have been underneath the age of 25. It stays one among India’s youngest states. The majority of Biharis have spent nearly all of their lives underneath Nitish’s rule; subsequent yr, he’s going to were Chief Minister of Bihar longer than Nehru was once Prime Minister of India. A decade in the past, Nitish dreamed of taking his “Bihar Model” to the remainder of India; as a substitute, he stayed in Bihar and didn’t construct at the early promise of that style. Health and Education are in particular tragic spaces of failure for a person who, in contrast to maximum of his friends – together with Modi in Gujarat – had made them priorities. If in 2010 he gave the look of a possible Kamaraj, historical past might position him nearer to Jyoti Basu: a Chief Minister whose lengthy tenure completed little greater than stagnation.

And but, right here we’re in 2022, and Delhi’s newshounds are again to speaking up Modi and Nitish as Prime Ministerial competitors. It is value eager about what this says about us as a polity.

There are few extra risible slogans than the perception of “no choice” to Narendra Modi, in a rustic with 100 crore citizens. If Nitish Kumar is the most efficient we will do, we are living in a time of low expectancies, a time the place two consecutive generations have declined to soak up social and political management.

No state embodies this higher than Bihar. Bihar’s politics continues to be ruled by way of merchandise of the JP Movement of part a century in the past (Nitish, Lalu, Sushil Kumar Modi) and their sons (Tejashwi, Chirag Paswan). In a previous column, I pointed to the misplaced technology of Modi and Nitish’s contemporaries who died sooner than their time. But the ones deaths do not give an explanation for the absence of leaders from the generations that adopted. India has precisely one Opposition chief of end result who’s underneath the age of 60 and didn’t inherit their place: Arvind Kejriwal.


Arvind Kejriwal (File photograph)

In the a long time main as much as Independence, Indians of all backgrounds have been drawn no longer simplest to the liberty motion however to a variety of struggles for a greater India. The JP Movement, and the wider anti-Emergency fight that adopted, drew in any other technology. But for the reason that Nineteen Eighties, the energies of our younger other folks have more and more been confined to non-public interests – to getting forward as people or households. Only the BJP and RSS were ready to proceed to draw dedicated younger other folks at scale.

It is by contrast backdrop that we will have to attempt to make sense of Nitish Kumar’s re-emergence as a Prime Ministerial contender. Even our Opposition, up to now not able to coordinate over anything else, could possibly agree on Nitish. What different selection do they’ve? Only the Aam Aadmi Party, India’s maximum bold Opposition celebration and thus the only least relied on by way of the others, may fail to fall in line.

A decade in the past, Modi and Nitish each represented a brand new style of charismatic, bold Chief Ministers. Now Nitish looks as if a throwback to the sector sooner than Modi, like a creature of the “gadget” that prevailed from the dying of Indira Gandhi to the upward push of Narendra Modi. That gadget had many options – lodging, compromise, social illustration – that seemed vulnerable and corrupt to many sooner than 2014. What in the end outlined it was once pluralism: the concept that India would have a couple of centres of energy.

For all his obstacles, for all that earlier investments of hope in him have yielded dismal returns, for all that it says about our collective obstacles: for individuals who glance to the pre-2014 global with one thing like nostalgia, Nitish Kumar represents the variation between one thing and not anything.

(Keshava Guha is a creator of literary and political journalism, and the writer of ‘Accidental Magic’.)

Disclaimer: These are the private critiques of the writer.

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