Salman Rushdie Off Ventilator After Stabbing, Attacker Pleads “Not Guilty”

Salman Rushdie used to be stabbed within the neck and stomach

New York:
Author Salman Rushdie used to be taken off a ventilator remaining night time as he remained hospitalized with critical accidents after being stabbed at a literary tournament in New York state.

Here are the highest 5 newest updates in this large tale

  1. Salman Rushdie’s agent, Andrew Wylie, showed that the writer used to be taken off a ventilator and may be capable of communicate, with out giving additional main points, in keeping with the Washington Post.

  2. Hadi Matar, the 24-year-old guy accused of stabbing Salman Rushdie, pleaded now not responsible to tried homicide and attack fees in what a prosecutor known as a “preplanned” crime.

  3. The assault used to be met with surprise and outrage from a lot of the sector. US President Joe Biden condemned the “vicious assault” on Salman Rushdie, and stated the creator stands for very important and common beliefs — fact, braveness and resilience. “I’m thankful to the primary responders and the courageous people who jumped into motion to render support to Rushdie and subdue the attacker,” President Biden stated.

  4. Mr Rushdie used to be stabbed within the neck and stomach via the suspect on the Chautauqua Institution close to New York City. A initial evaluate of Matar’s social media confirmed him to be sympathetic to “Shia extremism” and the reasons of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard (IRGC).

  5. Salman Rushdie’s 1998 e-book “The Satanic Verses” used to be thought to be via some Muslims as disrespectful of Islam and the Prophet Mohammad. The novel ended in a fatwa, a non secular decree, via Iran’s first perfect chief Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The risk compelled him into hiding for a number of years.


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