Punjab Assembly speaker requires cohesion forward of Independence Day


Speaker Punjab Assembly Sibtain Khan on Saturday stated “we need to be unified, protecting all variations apart for the rustic’s prosperity, steadiness, energy and development”.

In a observation issued at the eve of the rustic’s seventy fifth Independence Day, speaker Khan stated “August 14 is our independence day, bring it to mind and have a good time enthusiastically”.

He emphasized that there’s a want for consciousness among the rustic’s more youthful technology that Pakistan is the one country that emerged at the global map thru a vote and ‘Kalima-e-Tayyaba‘. “Our nation didn’t come into lifestyles thru power like Israel,” he added.

Read: Pakistan celebrates Independence Day amid deepening political crisis

“We additionally salute our Kashmiri brothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives and didn’t backpaddle even an inch from their stance,” he stated.

“Let’s come in combination to make a promise that we can now not simplest make Pakistan a robust nation through appearing upon cohesion, self-discipline and religion, the golden rules of Quaid-e-Azam but in addition depart no stone unturned in getting awarded the fitting to vote for the Kashmiris,” he went on to mention.

Shedding gentle upon the present political situation, he stated all of us are transferring in opposition to ‘Haqaqi Azaadi‘ underneath the management of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan. He additionally credited Imran for “changing a crowd right into a country.”

“The day isn’t some distance when Pakistan will emerge as a united and powerful country the world over,” he added.

Source Link: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2370981/punjab-assembly-speaker-calls-for-unity-ahead-of-independence-day

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