Requires justice after Hindu circle of relatives attacked close to Ghotki

A Hindu circle of relatives from Sanghar, Sindh, was once attacked on Sunday night time by means of nearly a dozen males throughout the remits of Mirpur Mathelo police station over a petty squabble, prompting uproar on social media with netizens challenging justice for the sufferers.

The circle of relatives which incorporated 3 girls and two children was once attacked at a cafe close to Ghotki. The attackers who arrived in a Vigo after “tracing” the circle of relatives smashed the auto and harm Ajay Kumar, who was once provide within the automotive.

According to a relative of Kumar, the suspects began attacking the Hindu circle of relatives with none reason why.

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He mentioned the circle of relatives, who was once coming back from Raharki Sahib – a temple within the house – attempted to move Dr Shamsher Pitafi’s car however they had been again and again denied the best to overhaul. As the circle of relatives controlled to get forward, Pitafi adopted them and later the lads who got here in Vigo attacked them throughout the keep.

However, individuals who had amassed on the spot attempted to diffuse the location and stored the circle of relatives from the bodily attack.

Speaking to The Express Tribune, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) MNA Kheal Das Kohistani mentioned the attackers had additionally misbehaved with girls.

“The Sindh police has confident that the attackers shall be arrested,” Kohistani mentioned and added IG Ghulam Nabi Memon and SSP Ghotki Tanveer Tunio had been taken into the loop.

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“The primary perpetrator must be arrested in an instant,” Kohistani demanded. But, he added, in spite of power from other other folks, the police have didn’t arrest Pitafi.

Sources informed The Express Tribune that Pitafi is a cousin of Sindh Minister Livestock and Fisheries Abdul Bari Pitafi. They added that the native Hindu elders requested Kumar to not sign up any FIR in opposition to Pitafi. They additionally knowledgeable that because of “political power”, police had been reluctant to arrest the lads concerned within the assault.

Tunio was once contacted a number of instances however he remained unavailable on telephone.

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