Congress To Launch Mehangai Chaupals On Price Rise, Mega Rally In Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan

The Congress mentioned it’s going to organise “mehangai chaupal” conferences this month

New Delhi:

The Congress lately mentioned it’s going to organise “mehangai chaupal” (discussions on prise upward push) in all meeting constituencies from August 17 to 23, which can finish with a rally in Delhi’s Ramlila Grounds on August 28.

Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh in a observation mentioned the “mehangai chaupal” interactive conferences could be organised in mandis, retail markets and different places in all meeting constituencies.

This will lead to a “mehangai par halla bol” rally on August 28 on the Ramlila Grounds, to be addressed by way of senior Congress leaders, he Mr Ramesh mentioned.

He mentioned the Congress’s national protests on August 5 towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi govt’s “anti-people” insurance policies strongly resonated with the folks.

“Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s determined try to tar legit protest as ‘black magic’ best highlights the BJP govt’s lack of confidence about its failure to keep watch over rampaging inflation and unemployment,” Mr Ramesh mentioned within the observation.

The Congress will take this combat ahead with a chain of protests towards worth upward push and unemployment within the coming weeks, he mentioned.

Mr Ramesh mentioned individuals are struggling on account of the Modi govt’s “financial mismanagement” and the Congress will reveal this.

“Inflation is being exacerbated by way of upper taxes on very important items like curd, buttermilk, and packaged meals grains, whilst the switch of public belongings to crony capitalists and the creation of the inaccurate Agnipath scheme are making a foul employment state of affairs worse,” the previous union minister mentioned.

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