Joe Biden let Rachel Morin killer suspect in — her blood is on his hands

Friday’s arrest of Victor Martinez Hernandez, the illegal migrant who allegedly raped and killed mother-of-five Rachel Morin on a Maryland hiking trail, marks the close of yet one more bloody episode for which President Biden bears full blame. 

This “should not be happening,” thundered the sheriff of the country where the crime took place: “Victor Hernandez did not come here to make a better life for himself, or for his family.”

Damn right. 

Authorities arrested Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez and charged him with rape and murder. Tulsa Police Department

Hernandez, a suspected murder when he fled his native El Salvador, jumped the border in February 2023 and spent the intervening months roaming the country until his path crossed Morin’s. 

Then? Alleged rape and murder; the destruction of a family. 

All because Biden opened the border on his Day 1 to appease the leftist loons driving national policy among Democrats.

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Hernandez was not only wanted for murder in El Salvador when he crossed — he soon became the prime suspect in a brutal home invasion in Los Angeles.

In other words, he is exactly who Biden’s open-borders freaks were 100% OK with entering illegally (per Franklin Foer’s book). 

Remember, Hernandez was here by design. 

Rachel MorinMother-of-five Rachel Morin was allegedly raped and killed on a Maryland hiking trail. Facebook/Rachel Morin

The Biden administration did everything it could to encourage lawlessness at the border — and the inflows smashed record after ugly record, doing damage as far as New York City and Boston. 

Yes, Biden has now offered a belated “crackdown” — but it would still admit almost 2 million illegal migrants a year. 

But even that has proven utterly fake, with no real sign it’s deterring anyone.

And if Biden truly came to his senses and restored the border policies that kept the US secure under his predecessor (or even his old boss!), he’d still own Morin’s death, countless other crimes committed by migrants and the deep tide of social destruction he’s unleashed.

That’s a lot of horrors that can’t be undone.

And, by at long last at least pretending to get serious, Biden has tacitly admitted he owns every drop of innocent blood shed thanks to the migrant crisis he created.

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