Kolhapur Crash Sets Off ‘Ghost Auto’ Run, Five Injured

Five people have been injured in the accident in Kolhapur


Five people suffered minor injuries after a bike crashed into an auto-rickshaw in Kolhapur. The auto-rickshaw driver was thrown off, but the driverless three-wheeler remained on the move, sending pedestrians running around before it came to a stop.

Dramatic visuals captured by a CCTV camera show the area near Patki Hospital in Shahupuri. An auto-rickshaw is seen taking a U-turn when a bike crashes into it. The auto-rickshaw driver is thrown out due to the impact, but the three-wheeler continues to move in a circle. A man and a woman are seen trying to move out of the way, but the auto-rickshaw hits them before others bring it to a halt.

This comes weeks after a chilling accident in Kolhapur that left three people dead. A car driven by a 72-year-old man hit two two-wheelers at a busy intersection in the city on June 3.

Vasant Chavan, who was behind the will, died after the crash, reportedly due to a heart attack. Two others, who were on bikes, were killed in the accident. Three others were injured.

Source link: https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/kolhapur-news-caught-on-cctv-kolhapur-crash-sets-off-ghost-auto-run-five-injured-5900916

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