Bryde’s whale washes up dead on Balochistan beach

In a remote area between Pasni and Shomal coastal belts, specifically in Raini Hor, Balochistan, a bryde’s whale, scientifically identified as ‘Balaenoptera brydei,’ found itself stranded, sparking concerns about the conservation of this species.

This particular species of whale has been observed in Pakistani waters on numerous occasions in the past. Detailed records from 2022 indicate that four such whales were entangled along the coast of Pakistan during that year.

One incident involved a whale measuring approximately 27 feet, which became ensnared in a fishing net.

Recent reports also highlight cases of bryde’s whale entrapment in Iran.

Read More: WATCH: Humpback whale sighted near Charna Island

Expressing concern over the precarious situation, Muhammad Moazzam Khan, Technical Advisor at WWF, underscored the severe threat facing this species in the Arabian Sea.

Despite a recent uptick in the recorded population of bryde’s whales in the Arabian Sea, repeated instances of stranding have garnered global attention.

The International Whaling Commission, in its recent meeting, voiced apprehension over the persistent challenges faced by this whale species in the Arabian Sea.

Moazzam Khan called for the initiation of a comprehensive study on the behavior of bryde’s whales in the Arabian Sea.

Also read: Giant dead Bryde’s whale found in Karachi deep sea

This proposed study holds the potential to be crucial for understanding the factors contributing to their vulnerability and for implementing effective conservation measures.

The call for comprehensive research aims to address the recurring challenges faced by bryde’s whales in the region and pave the way for informed conservation efforts.

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