PFA conducts awareness drive

A speaker while delivering a speech at the Arts Council Murree on October 19, 2023. — Facebook/Punjab Food Authority

Rawalpindi:In the light of the instructions of the Director General of the Punjab Food Authority (PFA), a series of seminars and nutrition camps are being held to raise nutritional awareness among the public under the Safe Food Model City Project.

An awareness seminar regarding food safety was organized at Arts Council Murree, in which Deputy Commissioner, Murree and Director Operations North Amina Rafiq participated as special guests. Various food business operators from Murree and surrounding areas also participated in the seminar.

The aim of the seminar was to ensure adherence to hygiene principles in food preparation as a large number of tourists visit Murree during the winter season. The PFA representatives briefed the food business operators about the rules and regulations of the Punjab Food Authority. They expressed their full cooperation for the immediate solution of the problems faced by the food business operators.

On the occasion, the food business operator assured full cooperation to provide healthy food to the tourists. The participants in the event appreciated the efforts made by DG PFA regarding quality food.

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