Eat the rainbow with this vegetable-packed curried tofu sandwich

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“Eat the rainbow” might sound like the title of a 3rd grade nutrition lesson, but it’s good advice for people of any age. Each fruit or vegetable has its own unique set of health properties, some of which actually impart color to food — for example, beta carotene shows up as yellow-orange, anthocyanin is blue-purple — so eating a colorful array of produce ensures you get a broad spectrum of nutrients. Plus, brightly hued produce makes food visually enticing on the plate.

This sandwich dishes up the full rainbow in each bite, piled in ROY G. BIV order between slices of hearty whole-grain bread. When choosing my layers, besides color, I also wanted a variety of textures and adequate protein, so I ultimately went with fresh tomatoes, grated carrot, avocado, sprouts, shredded purple cabbage, and a yellow-curried tofu salad.

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Feel free to use this recipe as a template to build your own rainbow based on what you like or have around. Roasted or fresh red bell peppers would be delicious, any type of leafy green (raw or cooked), leftover steamed green beans, sliced purple radishes… you get the idea. The tofu salad is a simple, tasty mix of crumbled tofu made creamy with a touch of mayonnaise and seasoned with mustard, salt, pepper and curry powder, which also gives it a lovely yellow hue. Egg salad or a couple of slices of yellow cheddar would work well instead.

Get the recipe: Rainbow Vegetable Sandwich With Curried Tofu Salad

The tofu salad and grated vegetables may be prepped ahead, making the sandwich easy to pull together on a whim. Once you make it, it’s best to enjoy it right away, but if you are so inclined, do take a moment before digging in to snap what is sure to be an Instagram-worthy photo.

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