Governor asks Karachi police chief to curb street crime

The newly-appointed Sindh governor, Kamran Khan Tessori, has said that concerns of the residents of Karachi about the rising street crime are valid and the police are under an obligation to take comprehensive steps to tackle the alarming crime situation.

The governor stated this on Wednesday as he met the Karachi police chief, Additional Inspector General of Police Javed Alam Odho, at the Governor House. The meeting took into consideration the overall law and order situation of the city, including the menacing issue of street crime in the provincial capital.

Tessori maintained that in addition to enhancing the role of community policing, the network of closed-circuit television cameras should also be effectively used to keep a check on crime.

He acknowledged the role of the Sindh police and other law-enforcement agencies in maintaining and improving the law and order situation in the city.

Meanwhile, the governor was informed that the Sindh government was ready to hold the local government elections in Karachi and Hyderabad divisions in the coming days as per the directions of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

The briefing to this effect was given by Sindh Local Government Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah as he met Tessori at the Governor House.

The meeting discussed the sanitation and health situation in Karachi and steps being taken to ensure smooth conduct of the local government elections in the two main cities of Sindh, and the code of electoral conduct to be followed by the concerned political parties in this regard.

The provincial minister said the local government department had been doing its best to ensure the provision of maximum civic facilities to the residents of the province.

He said the Sindh government had been taking steps to improve the situation of health and sanitation in the province. He told the governor that work had been started by the local government department to repair the road networks in Karachi damaged due to the recent monsoon rains.

Earlier, the governor held a meeting with Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah at the Governor House. The meeting discussed law and order situation of the province and steps being taken to provide relief to the calamity-hit people.

The governor and CM agreed that the federal and Sindh governments should maintain close contact for the speedy execution of the development projects in the province. Both also discussed the steps being taken to ensure the smooth conduct of the local government elections in Karachi and Hyderabad.

Tessori said that consultation among the concerned stakeholders was necessary to resolve issues in the province. He added that he intended to act as a bridge to improve ties between the Centre and Sindh government.

The CM greeted Tessori on assuming the office of the governor and assured him that he would continue to consult him to ensure progress and development of the province.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Governor House said that the new governor did not have any account on social media. The spokesman said that people should be aware of the fact that several fake accounts were present on social media that were being used to attribute false and baseless statements to the new governor.

He said the relevant state agencies were being alerted about the presence of such fake accounts.

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