Ex-GB CJ retracts controversial affidavit in latest apology


Former Gilgit-Baltistan chief justice Rana Shamim backtracked on his claims on Friday, offering an unconditional apology to the Islamabad High Court (IHC) in his latest letter, over his controversial affidavit that accused former chief justice of Pakistan (CJP) Saqib Nisar of judicial manipulation.

In an apology submitted earlier, on September 12, he partially withdrew his statements, saying no judge of the IHC was involved in the controversy while maintaining his accusations against Nisar.

However, in the newly-tendered apology – in response to the contempt of court proceedings initiated against him – Shamim retracted his claims in the affidavit entirely.

The ex-GB CJP maintained that, “I tender an unconditional apology for an affidavit which was neither correct nor required.”

“I regret, rather apologise for an incorrect affidavit where the name of an honourable judge was mistakenly and unintentionally mentioned. I further regret and apologize for my grave mistake which should never have happened,” it further stated.

Read Rana Shamim signed affidavit in Nawaz’s office, reveals notary

“The wrong and incorrect mention of a judge of this honourable court in an affidavit dated 10th Nov 2021 was due to my glaring misunderstanding and unintentional mistake. Hence, I withdraw from the contents of the said affidavit. I profusely apologize for the wrong [and] unnecessary affidavit,” the apology read.

It is pertinent to note that in the notarized affidavit submitted by Shamim on September 12, he alleged to have witnessed Justice Nisar making a phone call to an IHC judge, directing him to stall the release of the PML-N leaders till the 2018 general elections.The affidavit case

On January 20, 2022, the IHC indicted Shamim on contempt of court charges over the contentious document that was published in a newspaper accusing Justice Nisar of influencing the case against Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz.

However, the court deferred framing charges against the media personnel involved in the case including investigative journalist Ansar Abbasi, editor-in-chief of a national daily, and its resident editor.

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IHC CJ Athar Minallah warned that if it came to light during the hearing that media personnel had done this deliberately, action will be taken against them as well.

Source link: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2377152/ex-gb-cj-retracts-controversial-affidavit-in-latest-apology

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