Woman unaware she was pregnant gave birth, went back to work

A woman who clocked out of work one evening feeling unwell returned the next day for her morning shift — after giving birth to a surprise baby in a “cryptic pregnancy.”

TikTok user Britt, 23, shocked viewers with her candid recount of giving birth to her daughter at 7.5 months pregnant — with no idea she was even pregnant.

“POV: You admit yourself into the ER for stomach pain after work and get told that you’re in labor after 7.5 months of not knowing,” Britt, who posts under the TikTok handle @bkillvh wrote on a video with over 2.6 million views.

In the now-viral clip, new mom, Britt, showed photos in the weeks and days before her surprise baby arrived, none of which showed a visible baby bump. She admitted she did not think anything was awry at all since her period had always been irregular and her weight stayed between 110 pounds to 115 pounds the entire time.

The woman had no idea she was with child until she gave birth.TikTok / @bkillvh

Britt had no idea she was pregnant.Britt had no idea she was pregnant since her period had always been irregular.TikTok / @bkillvh

“I’ve had a lot of other things to factor in and a lot of things that was already occurring to me,” she explained in a follow-up clip. She listed “stomach twitches” and “gas” as symptoms she experienced pre-pregnancy, noting that she suffers from anxiety and depression, and isn’t always totally in tune with her body.

Britt said she didn’t tell her manager what happened, discharged herself from the hospital and went to work the next day, since she was still in shock over the ordeal and hadn’t processed it.

“My daughter was born a little bit before 2 a.m.,” she explained in a TikTok clip. “I was discharged a little bit before 6 a.m. And my shift started at 10:30 or 11.”

Britt said she “couldn’t process any pain since I was in shock,” so her body reacted as if it was a normal day. When she got to work, she told her manager she was in the emergency room after inventory the night before because she “wasn’t feeling good” but didn’t disclose the full story.

“I gave my manager a note that was like, I’m not going to be here for my next few shifts and I just stopped going to work because I have more important stuff going on,” she said. “The words I had a baby could not come out of my mouth, [it] was a movie scene to me.”

Thousand of comments flooded the videos, with a majority of users sympathizing and supporting the young mom and the unusual situation.

“I wish more people would realize that there’s no one way to experience pregnancy. like you said there’s a lot of things to factor in,” a follower wrote.

“Gorgeous baby. The female body is so wild and still mysterious,” added another.

“Yep … happened to me, no missed periods, on birth control & no signs of pregnancy, none, I carried to full term,” shared another user.

Britt said despite the shock of becoming a mom overnight and how traumatic the experience was, she loves motherhood.

“It’s been hard but life’s a climb but the view is great,” she said. “Certain emotions come and go but at the end of it all, I’m grateful for HER.”

A “cryptic pregnancy” isn’t as uncommon as it sounds. Last week, TikTok user Vivian Wise Ruizvelasco shocked the world after posting a video saying she gave birth in a club — not realizing she was pregnant until she went into labor. The video of the baby’s dramatic entrance into the world has 17.2 million views on TikTok.

Source link: https://nypost.com/2022/09/05/woman-unaware-she-was-pregnant-gave-birth-went-back-to-work/

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