Opinion | Tucker Carlson as soon as agreed with Liz Cheney. What took place?

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Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Fox News host Tucker Carlson confronted the similar selection after the 2020 presidential election: Tell the reality and chance the results to their careers, or bow to a constituency that feeds on bad lies.

Guess who took the straightforward manner out.

On Tuesday, Cheney faces off in opposition to Wyoming legal professional Harriet Hageman in a number one problem over her House seat. Numerous polls, together with one ultimate week from the University of Wyoming appearing a just about 30-point gap, put Hageman, a former member of the Republican National Committee, neatly forward of Cheney — a construction that’s rooted in a important divergence between the applicants: Hageman, who has secured former president Donald Trump’s endorsement, says that the 2020 election was once rigged; Cheney has denounced Trump’s efforts to overturn American democracy and proudly serves as vice chair of the House make a choice committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.

In a July interview, CNN host Jake Tapper requested Cheney whether or not it was once price possibly sacrificing her seat for her paintings at the Jan. 6 committee. “There’s no query,” replied Cheney. “I consider that my paintings in this committee is the one maximum essential factor I’ve ever performed professionally.”

Many of Cheney’s Republican friends have made the other calculation, steerage a more secure path to reelection via in quest of to soothe Trump’s fans or in a different way shrinking from candor relating to his coup strive. Yet essentially the most poignant Cheney counterexample would possibly come now not from the arena of politics however from that of media: Carlson.

On his nightly Fox program over the last 12 months and a part, Carlson has bashed Cheney for her paintings relating to Jan. 6 and for her interventionist international coverage leanings. Carlson being Carlson, the sniping has gotten sour every now and then. An informal viewer may conclude that Carlson and Cheney have all the time been on reverse facets of this factor.

That’s now not the case: For one important spell in November 2020, those two had been sending out appropriate messages in regards to the grand fraud that was once simply then accumulating steam, in the back of the lies and fantasies of Trump and his lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, amongst others. Yet Cheney and Carlson had reverse responses to the backlashes that got here their manner.

On Nov. 19, 2020, Powell and Giuliani appeared at a information convention on the Republican National Committee headquarters. They repeated their baseless case for large voter fraud, with Powell pointing out that “everyone’s in opposition to us, excluding President Trump.”

The nonsense was once an excessive amount of even for Carlson, who rebutted Powell on his program that evening. “We invited Sidney Powell at the display. We would have given her the entire hour. We would have given her all of the week, in truth, and listened quietly the entire time at rapt consideration. That’s a large tale,” said Carlson. “But she by no means despatched us any proof, in spite of numerous requests, well mannered requests, now not a web page. When we stored urgent, she were given indignant and informed us to forestall contacting her.”

The subsequent day, Cheney launched a commentary that aligned with Carlson’s observation: “The President and his legal professionals have made claims of criminal activity and in style fraud, which they allege may affect election effects. If they’ve authentic proof of this, they’re obligated to offer it straight away in court docket and to the American folks,” she said. The commentary went directly to call for that if Trump couldn’t turn out the claims, he will have to appreciate the election effects.

Both made information with their pleas for proof, and for just right explanation why: Carlson had performed outstanding paintings at the Trump time table, organising himself as the key anti-anti-Trump pundit. Cheney have been a competent Trump best friend within the House, where she voted with his agenda nearly 93 percent of the time.

Grief got here their manner, too. For her transgressions in opposition to Trump orthodoxy, Cheney continued the scorn of her colleagues within the Republican convention, who ultimately stripped her of her House leadership position in May 2021. She replied via staying the path — denouncing the “large lie” and sinking her time into the Jan. 6 committee.

Rep. Liz Cheney tells Americans why Jan. 6 should terrify them

Now have a look at Carlson’s trajectory. The backlash over his November 2020 tour into truthful election reporting roared on social media and past. “The reaction was once rapid, and antagonistic,” the New York Times reported that month.

And efficient: Carlson turned around again to the voter-fraud theme the next evening. “In the ultimate 24 hours since we did that, we’ve heard from numerous folks about that section, together with folks within the White House and folks with reference to the president,” Carlson said on Nov. 20, 2020. “Like us, they’ve concluded that this election was once now not honest. Like us, they’re keen to consider any reason behind what took place. Like us, they’ve now not observed a unmarried piece of proof appearing that device exchange votes.”

After noting that Powell had pledged to provide proof of in style voter fraud, Carlson mentioned such an result can be “nice information.” Just in case his far-right viewers didn’t get the trace that he was once strolling again his earlier refutation of Powell, he declared, “Voter fraud is one thing this is actual that simply came about two weeks in the past. Our media elegance doesn’t need to discuss it.”

And that was once it for Carlson’s brush with the truth of the 2020 election. From that time onward, he has have shyed away from risking the alienation of his disinformation-addicted MAGA constituency. To stay them tuning in, he has downplayed the concept the Jan. 6 rioters introduced a risk to democracy (they did); posited {that a} guy named Ray Epps, who has become central to right-wing theories regarding Jan. 6, was once a federal informant who egged at the rioters (now not true); reported that the rioters weren’t sporting firearms (wrong); and promoted different absurdities.

One prong of this audience-retention technique is to blast away at Cheney. In May, for example, Carlson described her as a “sensible one who could be very stricken and motivated via hate in some way that’s disfiguring her, I’d say. Sad.” Although a few of Carlson’s derision objectives Cheney’s international coverage perspectives, the extra topical slams relate to Cheney’s headline-fetching paintings at the House Jan. 6 committee. For example, Carlson ultimate October promoted “Patriot Purge” — his debunked “investigative documentary” on Jan. 6 — and drew this tweet from Cheney:

In his protection, Carlson insisted that Cheney and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have been “mendacity” in regards to the occasions of Jan. 6. “What we discovered in spite of everything bore no resemblance in any respect to the tale that you’ve got heard many times from Liz Cheney and from Nancy Pelosi, in addition to from their many obedient mouthpieces within the media,” said Carlson, who known as Cheney a “coward” for now not showing on his display.

Someone with reference to Cheney tells the Erik Wemple Blog that on every occasion Carlson assaults her over Jan. 6, threats gained via her administrative center “spike significantly.” As for why Cheney declines invites to seem on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” right here’s the explanation: “Tucker has had numerous alternatives to give an explanation for to his audience that the election was once now not stolen. Instead, he continues to advertise bad conspiracies the use of the language that provoked violence in opposition to regulation enforcement and our Capitol on January sixth. Liz won’t take part in that,” reads a commentary that Cheney’s administrative center shared with the Erik Wemple Blog and that the office has sent to Carlson’s staff.

The Erik Wemple Blog despatched an in depth checklist of inquiries to Carlson about his observation, together with why he looked as if it would root for voter fraud and why he has veered clear of puncturing the “large lie.”

Instead of addressing the ones issues, Carlson went advert hominem in an electronic mail: “My gosh that is silly. You’re getting outdated. Please in finding one thing you’re just right at sooner than it’s too past due.”

Source Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/08/15/liz-cheney-tucker-carlson-election-fraud/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=wp_lifestyle

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