Nation celebrates seventy fifth Independence Day

A large flag of Pakistan is noticed with the tomb of Quaid-e-Azam within the background amid Independence Day party in Karachi. — AFP/File

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is celebrating lately (Sunday) its diamond jubilee, seventy fifth anniversary, of its Independence Day with nice enthusiasm and standard zeal.

The day dawned with a 31-one gun salute within the federal capital and 21-one gun salute within the provincial headquarters.

Special prayers had been introduced in mosques at crack of dawn for peace, team spirit and prosperity of the rustic. The major characteristic of the celebrations yearly is the nationwide flag-hoisting rite in Islamabad. Similar flag-hoisting ceremonies also are at provincial, divisional and district headquarter ranges right through the rustic.

‘We wish to stay united’

President Dr Arif Alvi instructed the country to stay steadfast and paintings wholeheartedly for the improvement and development and prosperity of the rustic.

“We wish to stay united to conquer monetary, financial and safety demanding situations confronted by means of the rustic. Let us pledge that we can stay steadfast to render any sacrifice for the consideration and self-respect of our other people and greatness and glory of our loved native land,” the president stated in a message at the seventy fifth anniversary of Independence of Pakistan being seen on August 14 (lately).

While celebrating the Day, he wired that they will have to no longer omit their oppressed brothers and sisters of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&Okay).

‘Nothing is extra unhealthy than inner department’

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, in his message on Independence Day, stated that not anything is extra unhealthy for a country than inner department, disruption and chaos for such damaging forces undermine the team spirit and integrity of the rustic and rob societies in their nationwide goal.

He stated that Independence Day is a watershed second in our country’s historical past.

Former president and President PPP Parliamentarians Asif Ali Zardari stated that the supremacy of elected parliament of the folk is very important for a loose, unbiased and dignified Pakistan. “Now the time has come to make sustainable choices for the rustic and the country by means of totally imposing the Charter of Democracy.”

He stated the power-hungry dictators attempted to distort the Constitution however failed. “Only an empowered parliament can make a decision the way forward for the rustic and the country. Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto solidified the pact of cohesion and team spirit between the federation and all devices along with her blood.” He stated that the 18th Amendment has assured a powerful and strong Pakistan.

Meanwhile, PML-Q President and previous high minister Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain has stated that lately all of the country is celebrating Independence Day with enthusiasm however we will have to by no means omit that lately Pakistan is going through demanding situations on inner, exterior, ideological and geographical fronts.

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